2024 - 2025 Pledge Drive

We invite you to join in

Loving Forward,

Changing Lives

with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno

Click Here to Pledge Online!

This year's Pledge Drive begins February 18th.

Our goal this year is to raise $592,040

You'll see our pledge progress each week in our logo displayed on the church chancel.

Your gift will make all the difference.

Click Here to Pledge Online!

Ways to MAKE your pledge!

Ways to PAY your pledge!

A Letter From the Pledge Drive Team

Beloved members and friends,

Embracing the spirit of "One Congregation in Many Places," we extend our warmest greetings as we approach the 2024-2025 “Loving Forward - Changing Lives” pledge drive. Our dedicated staff and use of advanced technology continue to unite us with longtime members and newcomers alike. Loving forward allows us to change lives and embody the values of a compassionate community, and an enduring commitment to social justice. Through your generous hearts, we manifest our mission to "love inclusively, grow spiritually, serve gratefully, and work for justice."

Your pledge represents a financial commitment to sustaining the growth of our loving community. Our annual pledge drive begins Sunday, February 18, 2024. Pledges are typically paid weekly, monthly, or quarterly throughout the fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2024. We hope you will increase your pledge by 2.5% to support our financial commitments.

Thank you for your continued generosity.

With gratitude,

Lisa Lindsay (Chair), Cheyenne Jenvey (Vice Chair), Helen Anderson, Margaret Basnik-Sanders, 

Debra Scarborough, Judith Swick, Paula Farris, Jamie Jones, Laura Radinoff, Claire te Amo, Lynn Kimbark, Kathleen Coates, Don Chapin, and Mariah Mewborn (Admin)

We've Accomplished This Year...

We Need YOU to Help Us...

If you have questions, email pledge@uufresno.org.

The Fair-Share Contribution Guide


Using the Guide is a simple process; giving is a function of commitment and resources.

Each of us will have our own unique circumstances to consider. We are individually and collectively responsible for the resources to meet our congregational needs. Above is a Guide that allows you to calculate in a time frame that works for you.

INCOME: Most of us budget our financial commitments on a monthly basis. You may also use an annual calculation if that works best for you. The guide shows monthly and corresponding annual income levels.

ADD: Unusual or periodic income (inheritances, business income, investment income, etc.)

SUBTRACT: Any unusual expenses (large medical expenses, care of a parent, or a large financial expense, etc.)

ADJUSTED INCOME: From the table above find the closest to this level. Find the giving level that you are ready to support.

In making your decision, consider the four commitment levels shown and how they relate to your membership. Consider your UU values in thinking about your income and your financial commitment to the congregation. Note that within each commitment level the guide is progressive with giving levels rising with capacity.