Unitarian Universalism is an intentionally inclusive and progressive religion that believes all people are worthy of love and that we are all deeply interconnected. It welcomes and celebrates people of all ages, religious backgrounds, spiritual beliefs, cultural origins, differing abilities, neurodiversities, gender identities, sexual orientations, economic realities, levels of education, and immigration status. Todos son bienvenidos aquí.
This is a faith that nurtures individual and shared spiritual journeys.
It invites you to bring your questions and doubts, and perhaps discover some answers.
No one is going to tell you what you have to believe. We encourage you to explore your own heart and mind to discover your own connection to life’s meaning and purpose.
And we help one another along the way.
The Flaming Chalice is the symbol of Unitarian Universalism.
It represents the light of love and reason in all people.
Love is the power that holds us together
and is at the center of our shared values.
Our Shared Values
We honor the interdependent web of all existence. With reverence for the great web of life and with humility, we acknowledge our place in it.
We celebrate that we are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology.
We work to be diverse multicultural Beloved Communities where all thrive.
We adapt to the changing world.
We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.
We declare that every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love, and compassion.
As Unitarian Universalists,
we proclaim that direct experiences
of transcending mystery and wonder
are a primary source of inspiration.
These experiences open our hearts,
renew our spirits, and transform our lives.
We draw upon, and are inspired by,
sacred, secular and scientific understandings
that help us make meaning and live into our values.
We respect the histories, contexts, and cultures
in which these understandings
were created and are currently practiced.
These sources ground us and sustain us
in ordinary, difficult, and joyous times.
Grateful for the experiences that move us,
aware of the religious ancestries we inherit,
and enlivened by the diversity which enriches our faith,
we are called to ever deepen and expand our wisdom.
Common Questions about Unitarian Universalism
What if I don’t believe in God? What if I do believe in God?
Our congregation is made up of many different spiritual beliefs. Some folks believe in a God or Higher Power, and some do not. Some individuals identify themselves as Christian, while most do not. Some are agnostic or Humanist. Others find inspiration in such traditions as Pagan/Earth-Centered, Buddhism or Judaism. Some of us are still trying to work out what exactly we believe. Our church is a great place to do just that! What we all share in common is our Unitarian Universalist morals and values, and our shared journey to nurture our spirit and help heal our world.
What is Unitarian Universalism based on?
Direct experiences of transcending mystery and wonder are primary sources of Unitarian Universalist inspiration. These experiences open our hearts, renew our spirits, and transform our lives. We draw upon, and are inspired by, sacred, secular, and scientific understandings that help us make meaning and live into our values. These sources ground us and sustain us in ordinary, difficult, and joyous times. We respect the histories, contexts, and cultures in which these sources were created and are currently practiced. Grateful for the experiences that move us, aware of the religious ancestries we inherit, and enlivened by the diversity which enriches our faith, we are called to ever deepen and expand our wisdom.