A primary purpose of religion—and religious exploration—is to nurture and encourage spiritual growth in our search for truth and meaning. From infancy through all stages of life, Unitarian Universalist Religious Exploration grounds us in our values, bonds us together in community, teaches what our souls need to know, and inspires us to bring more peace, justice, and love into the world.
Here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, we believe that nurturing what is right and good happens from birth through our later stages in life. We offer classes for all ages that are developmentally appropriate and sourced in our Unitarian Universalist principles, while fostering opportunities for individual and collective faith development.
Our Children's RE program provides engaging experiences for ages 2-18 led by staff.
Open to ages 18+, our Adult RE classes are led by volunteer facilitators and staff.
With a collection of 1800+ volumes, our campus library has something for everyone!
For more information about Religious Exploration at UU Fresno,
please contact Karen Polnitz, Director of Lifelong learning
at dll@uufresno.org or 559-322-6146 ext. 12